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Scrappy Celebration QAL- week 2

Scrappy Celebration QAL- week 2

Written by: 
Lissa Alexander

Hello All, 

Lissa Alexander back for week 2 of the Scrappy Celebration QAL in conjunction with American Patchwork and Quilting's 30th Anniversary event.

I had so much fun during the week seeing all the fabric pulls and comments, I thought I would share a few here.


Row 1-1  SEWLUX's fabric bundles for sale.

           -2  Catching Stitches bundles- too pretty to even open

           -3  @quiltingontheprairie's progress on Blocks A and B

Row 2-1  even the scraps in this pic are incredible.

           -2  Felted Pear is making her's as an Eye-Spy version. Now I have to copy her!

           -3 This Fat Quarter Bundle is just sooo good. All the hard work of picking is done for you!

Row 3-1   Mermaidmamahawaii is using Deb Strain's fabric.

           -2  I love this assortment. Looks like they have doubled up on the laght yardages. You can never have too many.

           -3. Carolyn Hoffman always has a way with color. Looks like she is ready.

Last week, we talked a little about color but I wanted to share what I am doing for my second version. One of the coolest things about learning Electric Quilt is how easy it is to play with color options. This is when I first started making the quilt so it is not the final layout but wanted to share.

EQ color option

So from that concept, I did a fabric pull.


This is narrowed down pull but I wanted to share something new I have been trying.

ct_RWB pull

Once I have the fabrics pulled, I create a "color wheel". I have started to not narrow down the fabrics as much as I usually do. When making something scrappy I dont always know what I may need as far as scale or color. I do this so much I pretty well know, but I have changed my ways a bit so I am not limited. One example above would be the red and white gingham. Normally I would have pulled that from the pile since it is a bigger pattern and could be difficult to cut straight. But I love it and will challenge myself on where to use it. It may be an alternate square or it may be the binding, keeping my options opened. I audition the block ( BLOCK A SHOWN ) on the color wheel and then start pulling for the next blocks. I eliminate fabrics as I go, but making the color wheel full of options does help me expand the options.

Also you will see through this QAL, I love dots, stripes and plaids and try and use them whenever I can. They create a vintage look and are so complimentary next to the prints.

Be sure and share your progress this week on Blocks A and B. I will be popping in later this week with a bonus block that is not shown in the magazine.

It is never too late to start, she here are the details.

All of the following info is available here also.

Get the Quilt-Along Pattern

Quilt-Along Schedule

The quilt-along runs from February 20-April 16. While there is a recommended sewing schedule, you can also sew at your own pace!

If you’re posting on Instagram, use the hashtag #APQQuiltalong  and #scrappycelebrationQAL to share your progress

See you next week with blocks C and D.




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