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Holiday Stitch-a-Long Quilts

Holiday Stitch-a-Long Quilts

Written by: 
Carrie Nelson

And here we are.  After fourteen embroidery blocks, twelve Courthouse Steps blocks, eight side setting blocks, and four corner setting blocks, we're done. 

Or Susan Ache is.  Susan designed the Baltimore Album inspired embroidery blocks and the setting for this Holiday Stitch-a-Long quilt, which we love calling Christmas in Jacksonville. 

CT Holiday Stitch-a-Long Susan's Finished Quilt

This is Susan's finished quilt - she's inspired us to hurry up and finish ours.

Our sweet friend, Ducky has finished her embroidery blocks, and is starting to make the pieced blocks.

CT Holiday Stitch-a-Long Ducky

Ducky does the most beautiful embroidery. 

We also love this quilt by Michele Eickerman for Regal Fabrics and Gifts in Spokane, Washington.

CT Holiday Stitch-a-Long Regal Fabric

If all of your blocks are finished, or close to it, then you'll need the Holiday Stitch-a-Long Finishing.

All of the links to make the quilt are listed here:

Be sure to post your blocks and use the hashtag - #ModaHolidaySAL.

While the Holiday Stitch-a-Long is a wrap, we have a few holiday related projects and sew-alongs coming soon.  After Stitch Pink, and the Fall collections, a new designer or two... so much to share.

Stay well.
