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The 12 Moda Days of Christmas

The 12 Moda Days of Christmas

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Twas the month before Christmas, and all through the house

Not a thing was left undecorated, not even the mouse.

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care
but my quilting friend's stocking still remained bare.

I love my friend dearly and want her stocking to be plump
but as I sit and ponder my mind is a frump.

When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
The 12 Moda Days of Christmas made it perfectly clear!

With gadgets & gizmos and fabrics galore,
her stocking will be FABULOUS, she’s sure to adore!

1. FOLLOW our Blog "The Cutting Table"...the one you are currently looking at ; )   
2. Leave a COMMENT on the blog as to why you want Santa to bring you the Stocking Stuffer of the day!
1. Stop by our guest post-ers website to say hi! (on the days we have one!)

The Grand Prize is an AccuQuilt GO! Baby, 2 dies + 2 Mats & 
an assortment of new MODA charm packs!

Follow along & comment each of the 12 days FOR 12 chances to WIN!
You will be entered to WIN the Grand Prize for each comment you make!

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Also CLICK HERE to sign up for AccuQuilts fun emails!

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